steel plate for nuclear power sa738gr.b
with high strength, good plasticity, toughness and weldability, suitable for manufacture of the steel containment vessel for the nuclear reactor plant.
产品牌号: sa738gr.b
product grade: sa738gr.b
执行标准: asme sa-738/sa-738m-2010
applicable standard: asme sa-738/sa-738m-2010
steel plate for nuclear power p235/265/295/355gh
with good plasticity, toughness, cold bending property and welding performance. suitable for manufacture of the steel containment vessel for the nuclear island, pressure vessel, equipment components and so on.
产品牌号: p235gh、 p265gh、 p295gh、 p355gh
product grade: p235gh, p265gh, p295gh, p355gh
执行标准: en10028-2
applicable standard: en10028-2
steel plate for nuclear power sa516gr55, sa516gr60
with high strength, good plasticity, toughness, and welding performance, suitable for manufacture of the pressure vessel and equipment components for nuclear power plant.
产品牌号: sa516gr55、 sa516gr60、 sa516gr65、 sa516gr70
product grade: sa516gr55, sa516gr60, sa516gr65, sa516gr70
执行标准: asme sa-516/sa-516m-2010
applicable standard: asme sa-516/sa-516m-2010
steel plate for nuclear power sa517
with high strength, good plasticity, toughness and weldability, suitable for manufacture of the mechanical module support for nuclear power plants.
产品牌号: sa517gr.b、 sa517gr.f
product grade: sa517gr.b, sa517gr.f
执行标准: asme sa-517/sa-517m-2010
applicable standard: asme sa-517/sa-517m-2010
60-90kg grade low welding crack susceptibility hig
本产品系屈服强度 460、 500、 550、 620、 690、 800mpa 的低焊接裂纹敏感性钢,具有省略焊前预热、焊后无需热处理的优 良的焊接性能,可用于各种煤矿机械、工程机械、港口机械、建筑机械及其它要求良好焊接性的结构部件等。
this product is the low welding crack susceptibility steel plate with the yield strengths of 460, 500, 550, 620, 690 and
800mpa, showing excellent welding performance due to no need of preheating before welding or heat treatment after welding, suitable for manufacture of various mining machinery, engineering machinery, port machinery, construction machinery and other structural components of good welding requirements.
q460cfc/d/e q500cfc/d/e q550cfc/d/e q620cfc/d/e |
标准: yb/t4137-2005《 《低焊接裂纹敏感性高强度钢板》
standard: yb/t4137-2005: low welding crack susceptibility high strength steel plate |
q690cfc/d/e |
q800cfc/d/e |
jg670cf g785cf |
协议: jgx698-2011《 jg670cf、 jg785cf低焊接裂纹敏感性高强度钢板技术协议》 agreement: jgx698-2011: jg670cf and jg785cf technical agreement for low welding crack susceptibility high strength steel plate
90-120kg grade series quenched and tempered high s
本产品系屈服强度 800、 890、 960、 1030mpa 淬火回火交货的高强度钢,可用于矿山开采和各类工程施工用的设备,如钻机、电铲、 电动轮翻斗车、挖掘机、装载机、推土机、混凝土泵车、消防云梯、各类起重机及煤矿液压支架等。
this product is the quenched and tempered high strength steel plate with the yield strengths of 800, 890, 960 and
1030mpa, suitable for manufacture of equipment used in mining and all kinds of engineering construction, such as drilling rig, electric shovels, electric wheel dump trucks, excavator, loaders, bulldozers, concrete pump truck, fire ladder, various cranes, coal mine hydraulic supports and so on.
q800c/d/e |
标准: gb/t16270-2009《高强度结构用调质钢板》 standard: gb/t16270-2009: quenched and tempered steel plate for high strength structure |
q890c/d/e |
q960c/d/e |
jg1200d |
标准: q/3700lys 299-2010《工程机械用超高强韧结构钢板》 standard: q/3700lys 299-2010: ultra high strength and toughness structural steel plate for engineering machinery
a, b, d and e grade structural steel plate for shi
a、b、 d、 e 级系列产品具有良好的综合机械性能、焊接性能、工艺性能。适用于造远洋、沿海和内河航区船舶船体结构、船坞、 采油平台、海洋中输送管道、沿海发电厂、码头设施等结构件。
a, b, d, e grade series products have good comprehensive mechanical properties, welding performance and process performance, suitable for manufacture of the structural members for ship hulls, docks,oil platform, marine pipeline, coastal power plant, wharf facilities and other structures in ocean, coast and inland river navigation area.
牌号: a、 b、 d、 e( z25、 z35);
grade: a, b, d, e (z25, z35);
执行标准:九国船规、渔规、 gb712-2000《船体用结构钢》
applicable standard: rules for certification by the world's most famous nine recognized classification societies, regulations for fisheries, and gb712-2000 structural steel for ship hull
chinese h-steel
本产品为国标系列 h 型钢,应用于各种钢结构建筑领域。
this product is the national standard series h-beam, which is used in various steel structure building fields.
产品牌号: q235b、 q345b
product brands: q235b, q345b
执行标准: gb/t 700-2006、 gb/t 1591-2008、 gb/t 11263-2005
executive standards: gb/t 700-2006, gb/t 1591-2008, gb/t 11263-2005
gb series full specifications
american standard h-section steel
本产品为美标系列 h 型钢,应用于各种钢结构建筑领域。
this product is an american standard series h-section steel, suitable for use in various steel structure construction/building fields.
product grade: a36, gr50
执行标准:astm a36/a36m、astm a572/a572m、astm a6/a6m
applicable standard: astm a36/a36m, astm a572/a572m, astm a6/a6m
astm a6/a6m 内所有 h 型规格。
astm a6/a6m related h-section specification.
en h-section steel
本产品为欧标系列 h 型钢,应用于各种钢结构建筑领域。
this product is an european norm series h-section steel, suitable for use in various steel structure construction/building fields.
产品牌号: s235jr/j0/j2、 s275jr/j0/j2、 s355jr/j0/j2/k2、 s450j0
product grade: s235jr/j0/j2, s275jr/j0/j2, s355jr/j0/j2/k2, s450j0
执行标准: en10025、 bs4-1、 en1003。
applicable standard: en10025, bs4-1, en1003.
bs4-1 related all specifications under structural section steel.
japanese standard h-section steel
本产品为日标系列 h 型钢,应用于各种钢结构建筑领域。
this product is a japanese standard series h-section steel, suitable for use in various steel construction/structure building fields. .
产品牌号: ss330、 ss400、 ss490、 sm400a/b/c、 sm490 a/b/c、 sm490ya/yb、sn400a/b/c、 sn490b/c
product grade: ss330, ss400, ss490, sm400a/b/c, sm490 a/b/c, sm490ya/yb, sn400a/b/c, sn490b/c
执行标准: jis 310、 jis 3106、 jis g3136、 jis 3192。
applicable standard: jis 310, jis 3106, jis g3136, jis 3192.
jis 3192 内所有 h 型规格。
jis 3192 related allh -section steel specification.
australian standard h-section steel
本产品为澳标系列 h 型钢,应用于各种钢结构建筑领域。
this product is an australian standard series h-section steel, suitable for use in various steel structure construction/building fields.
产品牌号: grade300
product grade: grade300
执行标准: as/nzs 3679.1:19jisg3192
applicable standard: as/nzs 3679.1: 19jisg3192
as/nzs 3679.1:19jisg3192 内所有 h 型规格。
as/nzs 3679.1: 19jisg3192 related all h-section steel specification.
russian standard h–section steel
本产品为俄标系列 h 型钢,应用于钢结构建筑、石油工程领域。
this product is a russian standard series h-section steel, suitable for use in steel structure construction/building and petroleum engineering fields.
产品牌号: c245、 c255、 c345
product grade: c245, c255, c345
执行标准: сто асчм -20-93
applicable standard: сто асчм -20-93
low temperature resistant h–section steel
本产品主要应用于机械制造、高层建筑、桥梁闸坝等行业,特别是北方寒冷地区耐低温要求的医院、体育场馆、商场、交通枢纽 的重大建筑工程和钢构中。
this product is mainly used in machinery manufacturing, high-rise buildings, bridges, gates/dams and other industries, especially the major construction projects and steel structure in the hospitals, stadiums, shopping malls, transportation hubs in the northern cold areas where there is a requirement for low temperature.
产品牌号: q345c/d/e/el、 q420d/em、 q460em
product grade:q345c/d/e/el ,q420d/em ,q460em
执行标准: gb/t 1591 和技术协议
applicable standard: gb/t 1591 and technical agreement
high strength h–section steel pile
this product is suitable for deep foundation pit construction in hongkong, southeast asia and other areas, mainly used in high-rise building foundation and the main load-bearing structure.
产品牌号: s450j0
product grade: s450j0
执行标准: gb/t 11263
applicable standard: gb/t 11263
uc305×305 系列
uc305×305 series
fire resistant and weather resistant h-section ste
the product is suitable for the steel structure construction engineering which has certain requirements for weather resistance and fireproof performance.
product grade: lwfr490
执行标准:gb/t 1591 和技术协议
applicable standard: gb/t 1591 and technical agreement
seismic resistant h-section steel
本产品主要在地震多发地区钢结构领域应用,主要应用于建设医院、体育场馆、商场、 交通枢纽以及地震避难场所等人员密集的 公共服务设施国家公共安全的重大建筑工程。
this product is mainly used in the steel structure field of the earthquake prone areas, mainly suitable for construction of hospitals, stadiums, shopping malls, transportation hubs, earthquake shelters and other crowded public service facilities and major construction projects for national public security.
产品牌号: q345s
grade: q345s
执行标准: gb11263
applicable standard: gb11263
h-section steel for nuclear power plant
mainly used within the nuclear island for the manufacture of the module supports, which has strict requirements for quality, and requirements for a certain corrosion resistance.
产品牌号: s235j0
product grade: s235j0
执行标准: en10025、 bs4-1、 en10034
applicable standard: en10025, bs4-1, en10034
heb 100、 heb 140、 heb 200
steel for ship hulls and petroleum projects
主要应用于船舶内部构造用结构件。石油平台用 h 型钢应用于石油平台整体结构建造领域。
mainly used for structural parts of internal structures of ships. petroleum platform h-section steel is used in the construction of integral structure of petroleum platform.
产品牌号: sm490yb、 a、 d、 d36、 ah32、 dh36。
product grade: sm490yb, a, d, d36, ah32, dh36.
执行标准: jis g3106、 gb 712-2000、 astm a578-b
applicable standard: jis g3106, gb 712-2000, astm a578-b
chinese standard, british standard, european standard, american standard and other specifications for products.
h-section steel for pillars/supports of railway ca
mainly used in manufacture of the pillars/supports for railway catenary system, as an alternative product of the reinforced concrete pillars/supports for the catenary system.
产品牌号: q235b/c/d、 q345b/c/d/e
product grade: q235b/c/d, q345b/c/d/e
执行标准: gb/t 700、 din 1025-2、 en 10034
applicable standard: gb/t700 , din 1025-2 , en 10034
ipb240、 ipb( v) 240t、 ipb260、 ipb280、 ipb300
large-sized angle steel for power grid constructio
mainly used in fabrication of tower for ehv power transmission line, characterized by high strength and large
load-bearing capacity, capable to effectively improve the safety performance of the tower, and also reduce the overall weight of the tower and lower the cost for tower manufacturing.
产品牌号: q345b、 q420b、 q420c、 q420d、 q460c、 q460d
product grade: q345b, q420b, q420c, q420d, q460c, q460d执行标准: gb/t 700
applicable standard: gb/t 700
∠220、∠250 系列
∠220, ∠250 seriessteel for mining projects
mainly used in mine tunnel supports, especially for some roadways with relatively large deformation of surrounding rock, and also used in structures with special requirements for the performance of the mine supporting steel.
产品牌号: 20mnvk、 q275
product grade: 20mnvk, q275
执行标准: yb/t 5047-2000
执行标准: yb/t 5047-2000
9、 11、 12、 29u、 36u
steel used for frame of railway vehicle
主要用于 70 吨及以上的铁道车辆平车的大梁。
mainly used in manufacture of the frame for the railway vehicle platform wagon of 70 tons and above.
产品牌号: q420nqr1
product grade: q420nqr1
执行标准: yb/t5182
applicable standard: yb/t5182
630×200 系列
630×200 series
steel for automobile frame
本产品为专用型钢,主要应用于汽车、挂车、半挂车大梁,是焊接 h 型钢的替代产品。
this product is a dedicated steel, mainly used in manufacture of frames for automobile, trailer and semi-trailer girder, as an alternative to the welded h -section steel.
产品牌号: lg510lh、 lg610lh、 lg710lh
product grade: lg510lh, lg610lh, lg710lh执行标准: gb/t 11263
applicable standard: gb/t 11263
446×150、 456×150、 470×150、 482×153.5、 492×150、 504×153
steel for forklift portal-frame
该产品主要应用于叉车制造业,主要用于制作 1.5~10t 规格叉车的门架制作。
this product is mainly used in forklift manufacturing industry mainly for manufacture of portal frame for forklift truck of 1.5~10t.
产品牌号: hrb335、 20mnsi、 20mnsiv、 q420c、 q440c、 q460c
product grade: hrb335, 20mnsi, 20mnsiv, q420c, q440c, q460c执行标准: q/3700lys247
applicable standard: q/3700lys247
c140b、 c160a/b、 c164b、 c180b、 c200b、 c220b、 c250b; j160a、j160b、 h120、 h140。
track plate
track plate is mainly used for manufacture of the travelling parts of track-mounted excavator and bulldozer
产品牌号: 25mnb、 23mnbm
product grade: 25mnb, 23mnbm执行标准: 《履带用热轧型钢技术协议》
applicable standard: technical agreement on hot-rolled section steel for track
lw190×8.5、 lw190×10、 lw135×6
middle and low speed maglev train track skeleton
used in medium and low speed maglev train track.
产品牌号: q235b、 lwr345b、 lwr345c、 lwr295d
product grade: q235b, lwr345b, lwr345c, lwr295d执行标准: q/lys 280、 q/cybm 004
applicable standard: q/lys 280, q/cybm 004
lgf372×96、 lgf372×96wr、lgh230×200z、 lgh230×200zwr
steel for ocean projects
主要应用于海洋石油平台整体结构建造 、平台配套海上浮式储油船(fpso )模块制作、船舱顶梁及框架等结构制造。
mainly used in construction of offshore oil platform structure, fabrication of platform supported float production
storage and offloading (fpso ) module, manufacture of roof beam and frame structure of cabin.
产品牌号: s275j2、 s355nl
product grade: s275j2, s355nl执行标准: dnv、 en10025-3
applicable standard: dnv, en10025-3
h200b~he1000b, upn 系列槽钢、upe 系列、 ipe 系列、角钢系列
h200b~he1000b and upn series channel steel, upe series, ipe series and angle steel series
high-end gear steel
provided with good strength, toughness and stability, suitable for use in the manufacture of important parts in mechanical equipment, such as machine tools, aircraft, steam boats, fans, etc..
产品牌号: scm822h、 sae8620h、 18nicrmo5、
product grade: scm822h, sae8620h, 18nicrmo5,
执 行 标 准 : q/370000sgt 103-2013 、 q/370000sgt 100-2013 、en10084-2008
applicable standards: q/370000sgt 103-2013, q/370000sgt 100-2013, en10084-2008
high-end bearing steel
provided with high hardenability, wear resistance and good fatigue performance, suitable for use in manufacture of motor, generator, internal-combustion engine, steam turbine, machine tool spindle and other speed changing devices.
产品牌号: gcr15simn
product grade: gcr15simn
执行标准: gb/t18254-2002
applicable standard: gb/t18254-2002
railway steel
provided with high strength and low temperature impact resistance, suitable for use in manufacture of the connecting pieces for freight train carriage and other devices
产品牌号: 25mncrnimoa
product grade: 25mncrnimoa
applicable standard: technical agreement
steel for wind power
provided with high strength and good low temperature impact resistance, suitable for use in wind power industry.
产品牌号: s355nl
product grade: s355nl
applicable standard: technical agreement
continuous casting round billet for petroleum pipe
provided with high strength and hydrogen sulfide corrosion resistance, suitable for petrochemical industry.
产品牌号: x52ns
product grade: x52ns
applicable standard: technical agreement
steel for mooring chain and marine anchor chain
provided with high strength and good toughness as well as good resistance to seawater corrosion and abrasion resistance, suitable for use in manufacture of structural components for offshore oil production and ship.
产品牌号: cm490、 cm690
product grade: cm490, cm690
执行标准: gb/t 18669
applicable standard: gb/t 18669
die steel
淬透性高,热处理变形率较低,其性能及使用寿命高。使用于模锻锤锻模、铝合金压铸模、热挤压模具、高速精锻模具及锻造压 力机模具。
provided with high hardenability, low deformation rate of heat treatment, high performance and long service life, suitable for use in manufacture of die forging hammer forging die, aluminum alloy die-casting die, hot extrusion die, high speed precision forging die and forging press die.
产品牌号: h13
product grade: h13
applicable standards: gb/t1299-2000
steel for seamless steel tubes for high pressure b
具有良好的塑性、 焊接性能及良好的抗高温氧化及耐腐蚀性能。 用于高压锅炉炉壁、核电热交换器、石油裂化装置等。
provided with good plasticity and weldability as well as good resistance to high temperature oxidation and corrosion resistance, suitable for use in manufacture of high-pressure boiler wall, nuclear power heat exchanger, petroleum cracking device, etc..
产品牌号: p91
product grade: p91
执行标准:gb/t5310-2008 或技术协议
applicable standard: gb/t5310-2008 or technical agreement
hot rolled steel strip for automobile frame
汽车大梁系列用钢产品主要用于商用车的主梁、横梁、边梁和车体等汽车结构性部件。要求具有足够的抗拉强度、屈服强度、良 好的成型性、较高的延伸率和优良的冷弯性能,可满足剪切、折弯、冲压、辊压、冲孔和焊接等多种加工要求,实物性能稳定。
automobile frame series steel products are mainly used in manufacture of the main beam, crossbeam, side-beam and car body and other structural parts of the commercial vehicle, which are required to be provided with sufficient tensile strength, yield strength, good formability, high elongation and excellent cold bending properties that can meet the requirements of shearing, bending, stamping, roll pressing, punching, welding and other processings, with stable physical properties.
牌号: 510l、 610l、 700l、 j700、 j800 qste380tm、 qste420tm、 qste460tm、 qste500tm、 qste700tms420mc、 s460mc、s500mc、 s550mc、 s600mc、 s650mc、 s700mc
grade: 510l, 610l, 700l, j700, j800 qste380tm, qste420tm, qste460tm, qste500tm, qste700tms420mc, s460mc, s500mc, s550mc, s600mc, s650mc, s700mc
执行标准: gb3273-2005《汽车大梁用热轧钢板和钢带》sew092-1990《冷成型的热轧细晶粒钢》din en 10149-2: 1996《冷成 型用的高屈服点钢热轧扁钢产品》
applicable standard: gb3273-2005: hot-rolled steel plate and steel strip for automobile frame sew092-1990: cold formed hot-rolled fine grain steel din en 10149-2: 1996 hot rolled flat steel products with high yield point for cold forming
hot rolled steel strip for automobile wheel
汽车车轮系列用钢主要用于制造汽车滚型车轮的轮辐和轮辋,要求具有良好的延伸凸缘性、冷成型性、闪光焊接性及疲劳性能等 综合机械性能,而且应具有良好的表面质量和为保证车轮的气密性及其运行时不产生大的旋转振摆或失衡的尺寸公差。
automobile wheel series steel products is mainly used for manufacture of spokes and rim for rolling-type wheel of a automobile, which are required to be provided with good flange elongation, cold forming, flash welding, fatigue properties and other mechanical properties, and should also have good surface quality and the dimensional tolerance to ensure the air tightness of the wheel and no large rotating vibration pendulum occurring in its operation.
牌号: 330cl、 380cl、 420cl、 490cl、 saph310saph370、 saph400、 saph440、 sh540fb、 sh580fb、 hr440/580he
grade: 330cl, 380cl, 420cl, 490cl, saph310saph370, saph400, saph440, sh540fb, sh580fb, hr440/580he
执行标准:yb/t4151-2006《汽车车轮用热轧钢板和钢带》jisg3113《汽车结构用热轧钢板和钢带》及公司内控标准 sgyj-001-2015 《汽车车轮用高强度热轧高扩孔钢钢板和钢带》gbt 20887.2-2010 《汽车用高强度热连轧钢板及钢带 第 2 部分: 高扩孔钢》
applicable standard: yb/t4151-2006: hot-rolled steel plate and steel strip for automobile wheel jisg3113: hot rolled steel plate and steel strip for automotive structures and sisg’s internal quality standards sgyj-001-2015: high strength hot rolled high reaming steel plate and steel strip for automobile wheel gbt 20887.2-2010: high strength hot rolled steel plate and steel strip for automobile-section 2 : high reaming steel
high strength hot rolled dual-phase steel strip fo
热轧双相钢一般用于需高强度、高的抗碰撞吸收能且有一定成型要求的汽车零件,如车轮、保险杠、悬挂系统及其加强件等。热 轧双相钢具有强度高、屈强比低、初时加工硬化率高以及强度和韧性良好配合等优点,符合汽车材料轻量化、高性能、安全、环保、 节能的发展主题,从而在汽车行业得到了较为广泛的应用。
the hot rolled dual-phase steel is generally used for automotive parts with high strength, high impact resistance and absorbing energy and should meet a certain forming requirement, such as wheels, bumpers, suspension systems and their reinforcing parts. the hot rolled dual phase steel is provided with high strength, low yield ratio, high initial processing hardening rate, excellent matching between strength and toughness and other advantages, in line with the development theme of lightweight, high performance, safety and environmental protection, energy saving for automotive materials, which has thus been widely used in the automotive industry.
牌号: dp540、 dp600
grade: dp540, dp600
执行标准: jgx677-2010 《高强度热轧双相钢板和钢带供货技术条件》gb/t20887.3-2010 汽车用高强度热连轧钢板及钢带-第三 部分,双相钢
applicable standard: jgx677-2010: technical requirements for supply of high strength hot rolled dual-phase steel plate and strip
gb/t20887.3-2010: high strength hot rolled steel plate and steel strip for automobile - section iii-dual steel
hot rolled steel strip for automobile transmission
主要用于制作汽车传动轴管,由于传动轴管主要作用是支撑回转体、传递动力,故要求材料应具有:足够的强 度、刚度和一定的韧性以及较高的疲劳强度, 即要求原材料具有良好的综合力学性能。 制造汽车传动轴管一般采用直缝焊接工艺, 尺寸控制工艺采用通过控制外径来控制内径尺寸的方法,因此要求传动轴管用钢具有良好的焊接性能和高的尺寸精度。
automobile transmission shaft tube steel is mainly used to make automobile drive shaft tube. as the main function of the transmission shaft tube is to support revolving body and transmit power, the material should be provided with: sufficient strength, stiffness and a certain degree of toughness as well as higher fatigue strength, that is, the raw materials should be provided with good comprehensive mechanical properties. the longitudinal welding technology is generally used to manufacture the automobile transmission shaft tube, and the dimension control process is based on the method of controlling the inner diameter by controlling the outer diameter; therefore, the steel for the shaft tube of the transmission shaft should be provided with good welding performance and high dimensional precision.
牌号: 440qz、 480qz、 700qz
grade: 440qz, 480qz, 700qz
执行标准: jgx658-2010 《 440qz、 480qz 热轧钢带技术协议》
applicable standard: jgx658-2010: 440qz, 480qz technical agreement for hot rolled steel strip
hot continuous rolling steel strip for petroleum a
石油天然气输送管用热连轧钢带具有较高的强度、高的塑韧性,低的韧脆性转变温度,良好的焊接性能以及优良的抗氢致开裂和 硫化物应力腐蚀开裂性能,主要用于制造输送石油、天然气、水煤浆等介质的管道。
the hot continuous rolling steel strip for petroleum and gas transportation pipeline is provided with high strength, high plasticity, low ductile brittle transition temperature,good weldability, good welding performance as well as excellent anti-hic and sulfide stress corrosion cracking properties, which is mainly used in manufacture of pipelines for transporting petroleum, natural gas, coal-water slurry and other media.
执行标准: gb/t14164-2013 《石油天然气输送管用热轧宽钢带》api spec 5l 《管线钢管》 gb/t9711.2-1999《石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件》
gb/t14164-2013: hot rolled wide steel strip for transportation pipeline of oil and gas pipelines;
api spec 5l: steel pipe for pipeline ; gb/t9711.2-1999: technical specification for delivery of transportation steel pipe for petroleum and natural gas industry
hot continuous rolling steel strip for petroleum w
主要作为焊接油井套管的原材料,公司油井套管用热轧钢带具有尺寸精度高,焊接性能佳、作成焊管在地下服役时抗挤毁、抗压 溃能力强的特点。
mainly used as the raw material for welded petroleum well casing; sisg’s hot-rolled steel strip for petroleum well casing is characterized by high dimensional precision, good welding performance, and resistance to collapse and resistance to crushing when serving as welded pipe underground.
执行标准:公司技术协议及 api spec 5ct
applicable standard: sisg’s technical agreement and api spec 5ct
hot rolled steel strip for low aluminum, low carbo
主要用作钢铝复合板基料。钢铝复合材料结合了钢的高强度、易清洗和铝的质轻、价廉、 优良的导电、导热性等优点,在航空、机械、化工、医疗、汽车、电力等多方面领域得到了广泛应用。
the hot-rolled steel strip for low aluminum, low carbon and low silicon composite materials is mainly used as base material for steel-aluminum composite plate. steel aluminum composite has been widely used in many fields, such as aviation, machinery, chemical engineering, medical treatment, automobile, electric power and so on, thanks to its high strength, easy cleaning, light weight, low price, excellent electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity.
牌号: ybfe、 srg、 dk50、 dc01-ly
grade: ybfe, srg, dk50, dc01-ly
applicable standard: technical agreement
hot rolled steel strip for containers
集装箱用钢具有较高的耐大气腐蚀性能,用于集装箱外板、结构件等的制造。公司开发的集装箱钢采用低碳钢中复合添加 cu、 p、 cr、 ni 的合理成分设计,钢材耐腐蚀性优异,而且尺寸精度、板型、表面质量、成型性指标良好,较好地满足了集装箱用钢的使用 要求。
the steel for containers is provided with high atmospheric corrosion resistance, suitable for use in manufacture of container shell plate, structural parts and so on. the container steel developed by sisg is based on the design with reasonable composition of cu, p, cr and ni added in the low carbon steel, with excellent corrosion resistance and precise dimension as well as good plate shape, surface quality and formability index, which can well meet the requirements for the container steel.
牌号: spa-h
grade: spa - h
执行标准: jis g3125 《高耐大气腐蚀轧制钢板》
applicable standard: jis g3125: high atmospheric corrosion resistant rolled steel plate
sisg’s steel products for export
no. |
supplygrade |
standard |
specificationmm |
deliverystatus |
applicationfield |
1 |
britishstandard 460 (b) |
bs4449 |
φ10-φ50 |
hot rolled |
export, foreign engineering construction |
2 |
britishstandardb500b |
bs4449 |
φ10-φ50 |
hot rolled |
3 |
japanesestandardsd295a |
jisg3112 |
d10-d51 |
hot rolled |
4 |
australianstandard500n |
as/nzs4671 |
φ12-φ36 |
hot rolling/controlledrolling |
5 |
koreanstandardsd400 |
ks d 3504 |
d10-d5 |
hot rolled |
6 |
japanesestandardsd390 |
jisg3112 |
d10-d51 |
hot rolled |
7 |
japanesestandardsd390 |
astm a615-a615m |
3#-18# |
hot rolled |
8 |
malaysia |
ms146 |
accordingtouser's requirement |
accordingtouser's requirement |
hot rolled reinforcing bars for ordinary building
序号 |
名称 |
牌号 |
规格 mm |
执行标准 |
用途 |
1 |
热轧带肋钢筋盘条 |
hrb400/hrb400e/hrb500/hrb500e |
φ6-φ10 |
gb1499.2 |
建筑用钢 |
2 |
热轧光圆钢筋盘条 |
hpb235/hpb300 |
φ6-φ22 |
gb1499.1 |
建筑用钢 |
3 |
钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋 |
heb335/hrb400/hrb500/hhb335e/hrb400e/hrb500e/hrb600 |
φ10-φ50 |
gb1499.2 |
建筑用钢 |
no. |
name |
grade |
specification mm |
applicable standard |
purpose |
1 |
hot rolledribbedsteelbarwireroll |
hrb400/hrb400e/hrb500/hrb500e |
φ6-φ10 |
gb1499.2 |
steelfor building |
2 |
hot rolledplainround steelbarroll |
hpb235/hpb300 |
φ6-φ22 |
gb1499.1 |
steelfor building |
3 |
hot rolledribbedsteelbarfor reinforcedconcrete |
heb335/hrb400/hrb500/ hhb335e/hrb400e/hrb500e/ hrb600 |
φ10-φ50 |
gb1499.2 |
steelfor building |
bar materials for special purpose
no. |
steelgrade |
steelgrade |
specification mm |
applicable standard |
purpose |
1 |
anti-seismic reinforceing steelbar |
hrb335e/hrb400e/hrb500 |
φ10-φ50 |
gb1499.2 |
appliedtoseismicproneareasand buildingwithhighrequirementsor super high-risebuildingswithspecialuse requirements,large-spanbridges,airports, nuclearpower plants,tunnels,water conservancyprojectsandotherfields. |
2 |
finishrolling threadsteel |
psb785/psb 830/hrb500jz |
φ25, φ32 |
gb/t20065 |
used incontinuousbeamandlargeframe structureinsuperlargebuilding,large waterconservancyproject,industrialand civilbuildings,andhighwayandrailway largeandmediumspan bridges, nuclearpower plant,ground anchorsand otherprojects. |
3 |
hot rolled roundsteel |
20mnsi |
φ14-φ60 |
φ14-φ60 |
used in manufactureof chains |
4 |
anchor rod reinforceing steelbar |
mg335 |
φ18-φ22 |
lgjx16-2011 |
mainlyused incoalmineroadway support, andalsosuitablefor use in highwaytunnelsupport andsiderock protection. |
mg400 |
mg500 |
lgjx12-2011 |
full-strengthanchorrod |
lgjx14-2011 |
right-screwanchorrod |
φ16-φ22 |
lgjx02-2010 |
crm600 |
φ22 |
crm600 |
φ220, φ22 |
lgjx49-2010 |
5 |
resinanchor rodsteelbar |
mg335-mg600 |
fullsizes |
fullseries |